Regarding the Pain of Others, By Susan Sontag

Within the article, "Regarding the Pain of Others," the author talks about the wartime and how photographs had an influence in that time period. She goes on to say how brutal the war was and yet how so many people had no clue how brutal the war really was because they ignored it or never participated in it. However, those people did get to relive the war to an extent and to see how the war actually was through photographs. That is exactly how photographs had an influence during the wartime and in present day. Those photographs are basically like freezing the moment in action so that everybody can kinda see what war is really like versus what they may have thought occurred during war. 
Adding to that, I would like to say that it is amazing how photographs can kind of tell a story within one single moment. That is what the author was saying within this article about how photographs were able to show people who had never participated in war what war is really like and what actually happened within war. This is true because the photograph is a live representation of what is going on in front of the lens of the camera, it freezes the moment. The author explained how photographs were able to show the brutality, the intensity, the meaning of things during war, etc. Not just in the war, but for everything photography is able to give meaning to somebody else that was not there where the photo was taken.
In conclusion, the author had talked about the influence of photography during the war, and everywhere. She had gone on to say how photographs were able to convey a sort of real-life feeling to others observing the image. I agree, whenever I look at images of things, places, people, etc. I am able to see what is going on even though I was never there. The power of photography is really crazy in a way that it is able to like freeze time in a single image for everyone to see!Image result for virginia woolf imagesImage result for virginia woolf images
